Here are a few DS Apps for free download. No viruses 100% guarranteed. If u don trust me then too bad

.Contact me if u find any problems.

DSOrganize - A PDA style application for the Nintendo DS that includes a browser,IRC app, Scribble Pad, and useful stuff to get yourself organised.

MoonShelll - The latest version of moonshell. Everyone has it. ALMOST everyone loves it. Get it for yourself!

CLIRC - A very good IRC application for the Nintendo DS

OSUp - Update your DS flashcard to the latest version using wifi connection. No computer needed.

Bunjalloo - The best web browser for ds yet. Still got tons of updates comin up. Already very good!

Wintendos XP - A small app consisiting of minesweeper,calculator and windows xp GUI.

NewDictDS - A dictionary for the Nintendo DS.

DSLiveWeather - A weather program. View the temperature and type of weather
(ex. sunny/windy) on ur DS.

My Virtual Piano - A piano on the Nintendo DS

DSRoomDesigner - Create your own virtual dream room/garden.

DSMPlay - A music/video player for the DS. Recommended.